Thursday, February 22, 2007


In an amazing turn of affairs, Zoe has another chapter to post. I must apologize, for the quality of the dialogue and content in this chapter is not quite what I like it to be. If you have suggestions on what might need to be changed, I'd be very grateful! ;)


The sun was just beginning to peek over the far horizon when Tancred arrived at the northern edge of the camp. Jaedon and his mother Shyla were both waiting for him. He greeted Jaedon and turned to Shyla. “I wondered if I would see you before I left,” he said.

She smiled. “Did you think I’d let my son go all the way back to Elangsia without seeing him off? I was busy last night or I would have seen you then.”

Tancred wondered what she had been doing the previous evening but she said no more to clarify her words. Pulling his head down, she kissed his cheek. “Have a safe trip,” she told him, suddenly serious. “You know the dangers as well as I.”

“Yes,” he responded quietly. “I will be all right.”

“Perhaps it is not you I am worried about.”

He stared at her in mystification. What? “You think Jaedon will give me extra grief this trip?” he teased, expertly hiding his slight uncertainty.

Jaedon’s quiet answering guffaw did not help elucidate matters any. If there was one thing Tancred hated, it was not knowing what was going on, and he suspected his mother and mentor both knew something he did not. Shyla looked pointedly behind him. That, in addition to the sound of a clearing throat, tipped Tancred off.

So, go read it already! DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT!!!


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